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Self-proclaimed generalist ๐ŸŒฑ
A cover image for Reprodukasi app

Reprodukasi is an iOS application that have information about reproductive system's health with visualization in order to make user enjoy and not feeling bored when learning.

Problem Statement:โ€‹

Adolescents want to learn about how to take care of their reproductive system's health with interesting and fun way.

Because trying to understand reproductive health through materials that delivered theoretically is boring in and of itself. Not only that, maintaining reproductive health is as important as maintaining the health of other body parts, avoiding infectious diseases and maintaining fertility.

What if the team could simplify detailed information about how to take care of their reproductive health with visualization.

For adolescents, so that they are able to learn to take care of their reproductive system's health with interesting and fun way.


Delivering information about reproductive health so that it is well understood



A mid-fidelity prototype of Reprodukasi A mid-fidelity prototype of Reprodukasi


A high-fidelity prototype of Reprodukasi A high-fidelity prototype of Reprodukasi



  1. Miro
  2. Sketch
  3. Figma
  4. Trello
  5. Notion


A mockup of Reprodukasi A mockup of Reprodukasi A mockup of Reprodukasi A mockup of Reprodukasi A mockup of Reprodukasi A mockup of Reprodukasi



This project is my first design collaborative project! Enjoy a lot in learning Human Interface Guidelines (both iOS and watchOS), building design system for coder, and overall on enhancing user experiences!


This project were developed in the team of 5, consists of

  1. Marvin Christian (Designer)
  2. Muhammad Marchell (Coder)
  3. Muhammad Rifan Setiawan (Coder)
  4. Rinaldi Alfian (Coder)
  5. And me (Designer/PM)

Although my role was a PM, all members had equal chances to learn about managing the project.